
The Racketball Development section of the site looks at ways to help the sport grow. There is no doubt that since UK-Racketball began back in 2010 the sport has grown considerably both in regards to number of players, competitions, organisation and standard. The games popularity however remains in clusters. This is true both for where the game was founded in the UK but to an even greater extent across the world. We hope that through sharing ideas we can help them to develop stronger Racketball sections and grow the game.
Until start of this project UK-Racketball has been events focused. We have run over 80 events including the biggest event in the sports history the 2019 Racketball/Squash57 Nationals at Edgbaston Priory. We hope that these mass participation events which bring together players of all ages and abilities has had a positive impact on the game in the UK. The aim of this section is to approach the development of the game from the other end and start with coaching and club sessions.
I have collected ideas from clubs and coaches who have made real successes of Racketball Development. Please remember that this section is very much member lead. If you have any Racketball success stories please email me [email protected]
Until start of this project UK-Racketball has been events focused. We have run over 80 events including the biggest event in the sports history the 2019 Racketball/Squash57 Nationals at Edgbaston Priory. We hope that these mass participation events which bring together players of all ages and abilities has had a positive impact on the game in the UK. The aim of this section is to approach the development of the game from the other end and start with coaching and club sessions.
I have collected ideas from clubs and coaches who have made real successes of Racketball Development. Please remember that this section is very much member lead. If you have any Racketball success stories please email me [email protected]
1. Out of all racket sports, Racketball has the longest on average rallies giving players the best cardio workout.
2. Great mental workout where you have to think several shots ahead of your opponent to win a point.
3. On court both players occupy the same space unlike badminton or tennis where a net is separating you from your opponent this makes the game much more social throughout.
4. In doubles partners play alternative shots. This makes for a true team game, you cannot deliberately play off a weaker member of the opposition or hide behind a strong team mate. To win at Racketball doubles you must play as a team.
5. The game is easily accessible, a new racket, ball and pair of court shoes can be purchased for under £100
6. Racketball is a fantastic game for all demographics, at the 2019 Racketball Nationals the age of our competitors ranged from nine years old to 83 playing the same game with the same rules on the same day in the same competition.
7. Games of Racketball do not involve huge dynamic lunges like other racket sports like tennis, squash or badminton. The sport does not involve contact unlike football and rugby. This all combines to making Racketball less of an injury risk and easier on the joints.
2. Great mental workout where you have to think several shots ahead of your opponent to win a point.
3. On court both players occupy the same space unlike badminton or tennis where a net is separating you from your opponent this makes the game much more social throughout.
4. In doubles partners play alternative shots. This makes for a true team game, you cannot deliberately play off a weaker member of the opposition or hide behind a strong team mate. To win at Racketball doubles you must play as a team.
5. The game is easily accessible, a new racket, ball and pair of court shoes can be purchased for under £100
6. Racketball is a fantastic game for all demographics, at the 2019 Racketball Nationals the age of our competitors ranged from nine years old to 83 playing the same game with the same rules on the same day in the same competition.
7. Games of Racketball do not involve huge dynamic lunges like other racket sports like tennis, squash or badminton. The sport does not involve contact unlike football and rugby. This all combines to making Racketball less of an injury risk and easier on the joints.